When you open your eyes to your authentic truths, values and superpowers, you choose to create a life of alignment, purpose,
and joy.
When you open your eyes to your authentic truths, values and superpowers, you choose to create a life of alignment, purpose,
and joy.
I have always been fascinated by human behavior, motivations, and perceptions - including my own. During my 20 years in the corporate world, my greatest joys came from creating awareness, connections, and win-win solutions. Now, as a coach, I help people do this within their own lives – shining a bright light for them to connect back to their unique truths, conscious values, and the courage and possibilities that manifest when that magic is harnessed.
Right now, we are living in a world that feels like it’s been turned on its head. Fear and uncertainty seem like the universal connectors. Never have we been so distanced and so connected at the same time.
But in this uncertainty lies opportunity. To reassess. To reconnect. To reevaluate and reprioritize and try to wrap our heads around what the F has just happened to our world and how we're going to piece it all back together again. And who, at the core, we really are.
I am here to help you on that journey. To use the coaching and facilitating skills I've been studying and living to guide and support you. To champion and empower you as you make courageous steps to rebuild and recreate in ways that are magnificently authentic to who you are, what you treasure, and why you are here. To help you shed the limiting beliefs and past conditioning that has held you back. To find the humor, the joy, and the celebration in all the glorious possibilities that lie ahead.
I believe:
…In doing the work.
…That every challenge is a ripe opportunity for learning and growth.
…That the greatest freedom is the freedom of choice.
…In the power of humor, play, and laughter.
…That everyone we meet is both our teacher and our student.
…That outer experiences are a reflection of inner reality.
…That energy attracts like energy.
…That the only constant is change.
….That pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.
…That cuddling with a dog can make anything instantly better.
I look forward to being your partner on this incredible journey.
In love, support, and health,